How It All Began

Roshni and Sam met in Baltimore, Maryland on February 13, 2021 at Ropewalk Tavern. It was love at first sight; Roshni initially spotted Sam in the back of a snapchat story and immediately decided to show up to the location he was at. It's not as creepy as it sounds... Roshni and Sam have mutual friends from high school and college, so meeting up at a bar with both our friend groups was normal (I promise). After the initial meet, Roshni and Sam texted and exchanged banter since at the time Sam was residing in Annapolis while Roshni was in Baltimore. Approximately 3 months later Sam decided he could no longer stay away from the gravitating pull he had towards Roshni, so he decided to move to Baltimore himself. From that moment forward they were inseparable apart from a few mishaps (iykyk), but on September 12, 2021 they decided to make things official!

Roshni and Sam have now lived in 3 cities, have 2 fur babies together (1 that Sam had to adopt), and have a part-time business doing property management on top of their full time jobs. Their favorite past times include trying out new restaurants, traveling to and exploring new cities, binge watching thriller/horror shows and movies, and so much more. Welcome to our life journey :).

The Proposal

After two and a half years of dating, Sam had decided that enough was enough and it was time to get a move on and put a ring on it. After weeks of planning with the special help of some of Roshni's friends in a hidden group chat named after one of Sam's clients, he had devised the perfect plan to surprise his future wife with the big question.

Matron of Honor Jalene and Bridesmaid Brenna arranged special plans with Roshni in DC for a day of fun. They made sure she got all dolled up for an afternoon of sight seeing and cocktails in the city. Little did Roshni know, behind the scenes at the apartment, Sam, accompanied by Roshni's Maid of Honor Piya and a slightly under the weather Best Man Dan (ask him about this), were scurrying around to get Sam ready and in place to intercept Roshni at the perfect time. 

Sam, Piya, and Dan rush to the Moongate Garden, positioned behind the Smithsonian Castle and prepare for Roshni to arrive. Roshni was rather confused why Jalene and Brenna had her walking in circles around DC on a chilly February day and was starting to get antsy for one of those fancy cocktails mentioned. Finally they arrived at the garden, and luckily for Sam because he was beginning to get light headed from nerves. Roshni walked to where Sam was positioned and asked him with a grin "Whatcha doin here Sweets" to which Sam smiled, dropped to one knee, and replied with a bunch of things that nobody remembers due to the adrenaline rushing through both of them, as well as the loud fire engines driving past at the perfect time. BUT at the end of that word vomit Roshni did hear "will you marry me?" to which she excitedly said "Yeees" which is of course why you are reading all of this now. 

The newly engaged couple spent the rest of the evening and late into the night celebrating with friends getting ready for the new and exciting journey they were about to embark on!